As my children get older I more often find myself reading longer chapter books instead of picture books. Nora and Henry, in particular, want to listen to longer stories and stick with books for a longer period of time. And, I have to say, I don't mind cuddling up to my big kids and reading for awhile! The tricky part is finding a book that I feel like I can read and that they like as well. Not every chapter book is created equally!
Another tricky part is finding chapter books that don't include fantasy. We stick with realistic books until around age 6 when we introduce fantasy. So, while my kids have liked chapter books from about age 4.5 on, we stay clear of those including fantasy for awhile.
Here are a few of the chapter books we enjoy in our Montessori home, and a few that are on our "to-read" list.
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Reality Based
The Children of Noisy Village | Happy Times in Noisy Village - another huge favorite
Want to Read:
Meet Yasmin! (this is also a series)
Fantasy Based
The Secret Pet - Waldorf inspired and phonetic, this also has several other books in the series
Magic Treehouse series - this is a super favorite with Nora and Henry
Want to Read:
This list is by no means meant to include every possible Montessori friendly choice. I'm sure there are tons of others that could be on this list! What chapter books have you been enjoying with your children?