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March 23, 2021

1-Year-Old Montessori Toddler Bedroom

Teddy is growing up! At 18-months, he is in one of my absolute favorite ages right now. He is active and passionate. His independence grows by the day! But, even with all these changes his bedroom has stayed pretty much the same since he was a baby. That's the beauty of a Montessori space, while it grows and changes with our children the process is slow and intentional! I thought I would give a little tour of his bedroom at 1-year-old. 

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Ted doesn't do a whole lot in his room during the day beyond sleep and getting dressed. So the room itself is mostly focused on that. He sleeps in his Sprout Kids Floor Bed {use code "Kavanaugh" for 10% off at Sprout Kids.} I love that he can get in and out of bed on his own without a whole lot of fuss. We've added a blanket and pillow for him as a toddler, but stick with your comfort level around sleep. 


In addition to sleeping in his room, his bedroom is also where he gets dressed each day. His DIY wardrobe where we store his clothes. His entire capsule wardrobe fits in the dresser. While we still have the diaper changing pad on top, it's only used for really messy poop and then I just slide it to the floor. Most of his day is spent in undies or with standing diaper changes. 

These standing diaper changes happen the bar at the end of his shelf. For actual dressing, the dressing chair is super helpful. He also has learned to move the chair around as a little heavy work. 


His shelf is also used for some simple play in his room. He mostly plays for a few minutes before bed or if he needs some quiet time during the day. He also has his lovely floor pillow from Nursling Co. in his room. He loves to use it has a place to crash, roll around on, and read on. He tends to move it around to meet his needs. 

Right now Teddy's shelf includes: Ring Stacker | Pom-Pom Push | Vintage Puzzle 


Other than that, the room is pretty simple. We still have a high shelf where we store adult things (like his sound machine). He also has a handy light switch extender to turn on and off his light. The cozy rug was found at Homegoods. The bird pictures are from these postcards. The tree picture is from Clementine Kids. 

And, that's it. A simple space, accessible for him and calming for sleep. I don't expect this will change much until he gives up his nap (which hopefully won't be for a long time!) What do you include in your toddler bedroom? 

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