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August 03, 2022

Montessori Child: Lately at 5

Last night we were having our annual block party in our neighborhood and among the fun and games, Gus came running up to me and said, "Look Mom! I have a loose tooth!" And sure enough one of his little baby teeth was wiggling back and forth with ease. I was shook. I (most definitely) teared up. In my mind, we are nowhere near this phase with him. I don't know if it's a side effect of the pandemic, or what, but in my mind's eye he is still like 3-years-old. 

But the reality is that he is a whole lot of 5! He is starting that transition into the second plane of development where social work is becoming more important for him, practical life is losing its appeal (unless it's really big and new), and a whole host of questions are starting to arise. Yet, he's still working concretely, and exploring through the senses. It ebbs and flows as he inches his way to really big status. 

In just a few weeks, he will officially start his culminating - kindergarten - year in Montessori Children's House. Huge transformations will take place and it's fun to watch. He will officially be moving into the roll of "big kid" in his class and it will crush my mama heart. So I just want to bottle up these last few moments of pre-kindergarten five. And savor all the humor, cuddles, and occasional sass that come along with it. 

Montessori Child at 5-Years-Old

Here's a few things I want to remember at this moment of five: 
  • Academically: sneaky reading CVC words, addition strip board, refining cursive (often his name) on long strips of paper
  • Practical Life: needs to be big and exciting, or new. Favorites lately include clipping own nails, washing the car, making own lunch

  • Books: still loves books that require searching/scanning, enjoying small chapter books, and anything Star Wars themed. Reading early Bob books himself
  • Socially: Will chat with children in classes/playground/lessons, but less likely to talk to adults, especially if unfamiliar to him. Plays more with "big" siblings and neighbor kids than small ones. Still loves to play with me and Morgan
  • Games: Loves to play games and really starting to care more about winning and losing. Can play a longer game like Monopoly. Loves Carcassonne and Animal Upon Animal
  • Toys/Play: loves open ended play, but less into building and more into pretend lately. Uses squigz and play silks daily. 

  • Freedom/Independence: Gets up, dressed, and out the door mostly on his own, can choose his own activities and clean his own messes, still puts his shirt on backwards! 
  • Art: loves open ended process art, lots of layers and will return to add things, still spends hours each week finger knitting and weaving. Not attached to the final product.
I hope you enjoyed this little look at 5 lately. It's such a fun stage but there are some major changes in store for us soon as he enters the second plane of development. 

What is your five-year-old up to lately? 

A look at 5-years-old in our Montessori home, from playtime to academic learning, Montessori at home at 5


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