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December 14, 2022

The Kavanaugh Report 2022 in Review

Somehow another whole year has gone by! This year has been such a whirlwind in just the best ways. New babies, culminating years of school, home renovations, saying goodbye to old friends and welcoming new ones. I'm finding more and more that I'm just in awe of this Montessori life and so grateful that I get the opportunity to guide my children through it. 

This year wasn't a year of growth for me. Wasn't a year of accomplishing all the things on my list. But it was a year of soaking it all in. Holding my baby a little longer. Enjoying one more treat. Playing. It was a year of understanding that it all slips through your fingers so much faster than you think it will. Here's a little review of this year for The Kavanaugh Report: 

  • This year I wrote 133 new Montessori articles! 
  • We launched season 3 of Shelf Help podcast and hit over 500K downloads. 
  • We had visitors from all 6 continents representing more than 225 countries/territories. 
  • The Kavanaugh Report got a major design overhaul and added some fun resources including search by age.
  • I launched my membership community on Buy Me a Coffee

Popular Posts 

In no particular order, here were some of the most popular posts written on The Kavanaugh Report this year: 

Posts to Revisit

These are some of the posts that you (and everyone else 🫣😅) may have missed this year:

Thank you so much for being here this year, thank you for sharing this work, and for supporting me and my family. I will be back in 2023 and look forward to another year of Montessori Joy! 


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