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June 26, 2023

Shelf Help S3 Ep 20 - Supporting Children Through Big Transitions

This week on our Montessori podcast...

Amy is back with her BIG news and so in this week's episode we are talking about how to support children as we navigate big life changes. Whether it's a move, the end of a school year, or some other change, here are some practical tips for helping manage feelings, responsibilities, and logistics of a big life transition for your child. From the importance of practical life, to holding space for feelings and not leaning into perfectionism, let's help our children navigate changes to their world. 

Show Notes...


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The end of the school year, a big move, and general life changes are hard on children. In this Montessori parenting podcast, you'll learn some tips to helping your child navigate life's biggest transitions with grace and love. From the importance of practical life to the importance of being flexible, let experienced Montessori parents help you make transitions as easy as possible for your children.

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