Potty learning can feel like this huge undertaking. A dreaded process of mess and rules and misses. But, I think we need to change our outlook on potty learning. Just like anything else our small child is learning, we need to approach potty learning like learning. Every child will have ups and downs, hits and misses, and their own unique journey to complete the process. Nothing needs to be done in one day, one weekend, or even one season. Just like learning to walk, talk, ride a bike, or any other skill your child will undertake, potty learning is the same. It is unique to them, it takes as long as it takes. It happens when it happens. Penelope has been potty learning for several months now. She has been one of my earliest kids to do so, but not because of anything I've done - it's her path. Here, though, I want to share a few things I look for before starting the potty learning process. Signs to Look for to Start Potty Training or Learning There's a pervasive saying i...