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October 02, 2023

Shelf Help S4 Ep 4 - Sports in our Montessori Homes!

This week on our Montessori podcast...

How do sports and Montessori mix? How to we reconcile the competitive nature of some children's sports with our desire to respect our children's developmental needs? How do we give our children new experiences and avoid over scheduling? In this much asked for episode, Nicole and Amy dive into their experiences with children's sports - the good and the bad. As Montessori parents, we share how we try to follow our children's interests but still provide balance and respect. 

Show Notes...


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In this Montessori parenting podcast, listen as we deep dive into the world of children's sports. Follow two Montessori families as we balance competitive sports and respecting our children's individual needs and making enough time for the family. Listen here for practical advice on how to make sports work but not dominate your life with kids.

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