I love putting together a simple, sweet Easter basket for my kids each spring. While Easter is mainly a religious holiday in our Montessori home, we do celebrate with some simple gifts and treats each year. There is so much pressure now to create these giant baskets filled with so many things. Instead I try to pick a few quality choices that my kids will each love and something practical for the spring/summer.

Here's what will be in my kids' baskets this year.
Easter Basket for Montessori Toddler
Penelope will be 25-months-old this year at Easter. She loves baby dolls, small objects, and being fancy so her Easter basket this year will include:
- Sarah's Silks Rainbow Doll Tutu
- Sarah's Silks Headband + Sunglasses (Target dollar spot find)
- Dinosaur Toob
Easter Basket for Montessori Preschooler
Ted is 4.5-years-old at Easter this year. He loves pretend play, learning toys, and (the not as Montessori friendly) Star Wars. His Easter basket includes:
- Action Figure
- Big Brush Markers
- Rainbow Letters Set + a jar of play dough
Easter Basket for Montessori Lower Elementary
Gus is 7-years-old at Easter this year. He still loves handcrafts and building toys. His Easter basket will include:
- Spinning Top Set (similar) : the exact set I found I got used
- Cardboard Folding Tool
- Dragonfly Glider Craft Kit
Easter Basket for Montessori Upper Elementary
Nora is 9-years-old. She loves pretend play, making music, and creating art. This is her basket this year:
This year I'm doing these beach towels for our "Easter grass." I think it will be a fun but practical addition to the baskets since we desperately need some new ones. I will also buy chalk, bubbles, and a couple candy treats to round out the baskets!
I hope you find some inspiration here. If you need more ideas for Montessori Friendly Easter Baskets, check out my post Easter Baskets for Montessori Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers Updated 2023 | Our Easter Baskets 2018 | Easter Basket Ideas 2020 | Our Easter Baskets 2021 | Our Easter Baskets 2022 | Our Easter Baskets 2023.