Articles from September 2024

September 12, 2024

We Love Gear Toys + Some Options to Consider

We Love Gear Toys + Some Options to Consider
We live in such an amazing time for children's toys. There are so many options that you really could spend every day playing with something new. (PS, don't do that!) As a Montessori parent, I want to add toys that stimulate my children's senses, make them think, but will keep them engaged over and over again. Gear toys have been one that has fit those criteria for my children and for me.  Gear toys are often this unique combination of open ended toys (they can be put together in many ways) but that also have correct (more close ended) ways that they need to be put together in order for them to work. I love that these toys set the stage for deeper learning about mechanics and engineering that can be foundational to other learning later on.  (Using jumbo gears at a local library)  In our house, it's my 7-year-old that really loves gears and gear related toys. We have had several options over the years that have been loved by several of my children. Everything from toddle
September 05, 2024

Dreaming of a Montessori Friendly Makerspace

Dreaming of a Montessori Friendly Makerspace
Following a wonderful summer at home with all of my kids it's really become apparent how big a lot of my children are getting. Their days as young children are far behind them and they are all really coming into their own. Watching my big second plane kids play and explore, though, has really led to me to one conclusion - they don't need a Montessori playroom anymore. No, our Montessori home needs a makerspace. On my Instagram stories, I said, "if I only had bigs I would get rid of our playroom and make it into a makerspace."  And while I would love to just give up the playroom for them, I still have some really little first plane children at home too. They need and use the play space, so for now I'm just dreaming of a makerspace. I'm starting to store away a few ideas for when this will become a reality in our home.  A Montessori Friendly Makerspace At Home Of course makerspaces are really popular in museum, library and school settings so specific furniture f