
Interested in sponsoring The Kavanaugh Report? Great! The Kavanaugh Report continues to grow and is the perfect place to advertise your business, Etsy shop, or blog. 

Product Reviews and Giveaways

Interested in a more powerful form of advertising? The Kavanaugh Report gladly accepts opportunities to review products and/or host product giveaways. In the past, I've worked with Melissa and Doug, Olive and Ruby Kids, eMeals, and BumbleFly and ButterBees, among others. A product review and/or a giveaway will include its own post, and several posts on various social media outlets. If you are interested in more details about hosting a product review and/or giveaway, or would like a copy of our media kit please email me at thekavanaughreport {@} gmail {dot} com.

Have a nontraditional sponsorship idea? I would love to hear it. Send me an email and we can discuss it. 

Obligatory Legalize: I reserve the right to refuse sponsorship to any blog or business. Rates are subject to change as The Kavanaugh Report grows.